Brush & Floss

Why Brush & Floss?

Brushing and Flossing every day will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Having
clean teeth also makes you look and feel better. Your breath is fresher. Your smile
is brighter. And your teeth feel smooth.

Fighting Plague

Many kinds of bacteria live in your mouth. These germs collect on your teeth and gums
and quickly form a sticky film called plaque. Plaque is the major cause of tooth decay
and gum disease. Since plague is always forming, it needs to be removed from the
surfaces of your teeth. Flossing breaks up plaque between your teeth and under your


Plaque collects
on your teeth,
in the spaces between your teeth, and under your gums


Brushing removes
from the
surfaces of your


Flossing breaks
up plaque
between your teeth and under your gums.

How to Brush

Brush after meals, using a soft brush and a flouride toothpaste. Start at one place and work all the way around your mouth. Brush the front, back, and top of each tooth as shown below

How to Floss

Floss at least once a day to remove plaque between the teeth and below the gums. Start at one place and work all the way around your mouth. Floss between each tooth as shown below.


Hold the brush at a 45°
angle and gently brush
the outer surfaces,
using a circular or
back-and-forth motion.


Wrap 18 inches of floss around your middle fingers. Secure it with your index fingers and thumbs.


Brush the inner surfaces
of the back teeth using
the same circular or
back-and-forth motion.


Ease the floss between your teeth. Press it against one side, then the other, to form a C-shape.


Turn the brush and use the tip to clean the inner surfaces of the upper and lower front teeth.


Work the floss back and forth and up and down, going below the gum line where plaque collects.


Clean the chewing surfaces using a scrubbing motion. Brush your tongue, then rinse well.


If you have a bridge or wear braces, use a floss threader to get the floss under the bridge or wires.

Tips for Healthy Teeth

Along with daily brushing and flossing, getting regular dental checkups and eating a
good diet will help you keep your gums healthy and your teeth free of decay.

• See your dentist regularly to have your teeth and gums cleaned and checked.

• Get into a routine for brushing and flossing. Brush after meals and floss at least
once a day.

• Use fluoride toothpaste to help fight decay.

• Avoid snacking on sugary foods. Eat fruits and vegetables and sugar-free cereals
and crackers instead.

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